With the number of products available, teling your salespeople what to focus on is getting harder and harder. How do you as a leader guide your team to sell the best products for the business? In the beverage business, we have had a doubling of SKUs that has resulted in the halving of our turn […]
Being Disruptive: How to Push Your Team to Star Performance
“Changing sales systems? It’s going to be too disruptive to my business” I want you to think about incentivizing your company in a way that aligns with how your operation makes money. You feel like your sales reps are comfortable, happy, and you don’t want to upset the apple cart in this tight labor market. […]
People Respond to Incentives – a case study
People respond to incentives. How an account or a part of your business performs is truly correlated to how you are incentivizing your team and your salespeople. You can drive sales rep behavior change and engage them to think differently when they are incentivized to help the business make more money.